The Deputy Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhannat Dubirova, met with the citizens of the Pavlodar region

The Deputy Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhannat Dubirova, met with the citizens of the Pavlodar region

01 April 2024

During a working trip to the Pavlodar region, Deputy Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhannat Dubirova, held a meeting with representatives of industrial enterprises, construction organizations, and other residents of the region.

The meeting discussed current issues concerning the impact of digitalization on the economy, education, and social sphere. Participants had the opportunity to ask their questions about the development of digital technologies in the country.Special attention was paid to measures taken to stimulate the development of digital technologies, as well as opportunities opening up for young specialists in the field of information technology.

Citizen K. Bataev addressed the Deputy Minister with a question about projects similar to iKomek109, their effectiveness, and development prospects. In response to this question, the Deputy Minister and other experts shared their plans for developing new projects aimed at solving current problems and improving the quality of life for citizens.

It was noted that the Deputy Minister and her colleagues plan to develop projects similar to iKomek109, which will contribute to improving the emergency assistance and response system in the region.

Deputy Minister Zhannat Dubirova expressed gratitude to all participants for their active participation and constructive dialogue. She emphasized the importance of interaction between the government and citizens in addressing current and future challenges facing society.

Press Service of the Ministry of Industry and  Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan