The “Shin-Line”Ice Cream Factory ” will be launched in the Almaty region

The “Shin-Line”Ice Cream Factory ” will be launched in the Almaty region

In the Ili district of the Almaty region, “Shin-Line” LLP, whose main activity is the production of ice cream, will launch a plant for the production of ice cream and food products with a design capacity of about 22 thousand tons of products per year and attracting 33.4 billion tenge of investments. The corresponding memorandum was signed today during the meeting of the akim of the Almaty region Amandyk Batalov with the management of the company, the press service of the akim of the Almaty region reports.
Having greeted the representatives of the company, Amandyk Batalov noted:
– We are pleased to start cooperation with your Shin-Line company, which is one of the leaders in the ice cream and food industry. This is clean production. Thanks to its launch, about 34 billion tenge of investments will be attracted to the economy of the region, new permanent jobs will be created. In addition, this is an export-oriented enterprise, and the opening of such production facilities is one of the main orders of the Elbasy and the President of the country. What questions do you have, we are ready to listen and decide together. For our part, we will provide the necessary support, – said A. Batalov.
According to the representatives of the company, the construction of the plant is underway on the territory of the Ili region. The equipment is already being assembled. The first stage is planned to be completed by May and to launch ice cream production by this season. The new plant will produce ice cream cones, cups, and other types. By the way, the company produces waffles for ice cream on its own. A fully automated warehouse will be built and introduced. In addition, 200 million tenge will be invested within 2 years in the improvement of the territory adjacent to the plant and inside it. Trees will be planted, lighting installed, thematic small architectural forms, which will allow organizing interesting excursions to the plant for children and everyone.
According to the president of the company Andrey Shin, the new production complex includes the largest and most innovative ice cream factory in the CIS, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, as well as enterprises for the production of various food products. The design capacity of the first stage of construction is 21,500 tons of products per year, by 2024 the enterprise plans to start producing 350 tons of products per day. The total cost of the project is 33.4 billion tenge of investment funds. The plant will produce ice cream, dairy products, frozen semi-finished products, dough, various types of noodles; confectionery production will also be organized. The plant has state-of-the-art equipment from Denmark and Germany. The company is focused on the production of types of ice cream that are not available on the market. Modern equipment, innovations allow us to achieve our goals. For example, the existing plant produces 36 thousand pieces of popsicle per hour.

Andrey Shin also emphasized that in only one segment of ice cream, the company accounts for 35% of the domestic market. Much attention is paid to the quality of incoming raw materials and finished products. By the end of 2020, Shin-Line ice cream has already occupied more than half of the total ice cream import in Belarus, the company’s share in the Kyrgyz ice cream market is already more than 50%, the company’s products are popular in Azerbaijan, Russia, Mongolia and China. In the near future, we plan to enter new markets, for example, the Ukrainian market.
– Our main resource is a large and professional team. We attract specialists with extensive experience with experience in industry leaders in Russia, the Baltic countries, and Eastern Europe. We put a lot of effort into the professional development of our employees. Due to the fact that the seasonal factor influences the production of ice cream at the new plant, the production of milk, instant noodles and semi-finished products will also be established, which is practically not affected by seasonality, ”A. Shin said, stating that by 2025 the group of companies Shin-Line will create about 2,500 jobs.
Also, representatives of the company noted that they are planning to create a dairy farm. At the first stage, they will buy 600 heads of dairy cows, then another 1200. So they will be able to additionally provide the enterprise with their own high-quality raw materials. Support is needed in the creation of a forage base. Also, help is needed in laying electrical and sewerage networks to the plant.
Summing up the results of the meeting, akim of the region Amandyk Batalov noted that within the framework of the Business Roadmap, entrepreneurs are supported in laying external engineering communications. And this time support in this matter will be provided to the enterprise. Also, the regional akim instructed to study the issue of providing support for the opening of the MTF and the allocation of a site for creating a forage base.
“Thanks to government support and measures taken, a favorable investment climate has been created in our region, entrepreneurs are provided with the necessary support. And we will help you in solving your questions.