The President visited the National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine
June 5, 2024

The head of state got acquainted with the activities of the multifunctional center, which coordinates the work of medical aviation services, ambulance services and emergency departments. The complex has a hospital with 250 beds.

According to Chairman of the Board Timur Muratov, the center will create 9 clinical departments providing treatment in 29 profiles. The facility is capable of receiving more than 18,000 patients per year.

The President toured the operating rooms equipped with modern equipment, including a mobile computed tomograph and the OR-1 system.

During a conversation with employees, the Head of State called the opening of such a unique facility a great achievement of domestic medicine. He also drew attention to the need to widely attract qualified specialists to the center.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev wished the doctors success in their work and presented the center with a reanimobile.