President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev spoke at the ceremony of presenting state awards on the occasion of the Republic Day

October 23, 2024

      Opening the event, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated his compatriots on the national holiday. According to him, the day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Kazakhstan marks the beginning of our sacred Independence. As the President said, only the nation that looks to the future with confidence, overcoming all difficulties and adversities, can achieve success.

– Kazakhstan will never deviate from the intended path. We proved this again during the rampant elements this year. The recent unprecedented floods have become a great test for the country. Entire settlements were under water. A state of emergency was declared in 10 regions. Thousands of people lost their homes and property overnight. You know that at this critical moment I made a special address to the people, in which I assured citizens that not a single person would be left out of our attention. The state kept its promises. About 2,700 houses were built in the shortest possible time. More than 9,000 families received compensation for lost housing, about 6,000 houses were purchased. Since the summer, thousands of families have already celebrated housewarming. In this short time, the state has restored most of the damaged infrastructure, – Kassym-Jomart Tokayev recalled.

      According to the Head of State, all the work done was the result of joint efforts. He thanked everyone who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, primarily rescuers, volunteers, businessmen and concerned citizens.

– Indeed, we owe all our successes to strong unity and cohesion. This is the foundation of a strong nation and an authoritative state. Current events in the world prove that without stability there will be no movement forward in the country. This axiom is confirmed by the example of many states in which discord and conflicts have led to stagnation and degradation. Indeed, only where there is unity will there be prosperity. The deep comprehensive reforms that we are carrying out thanks to the unity of the people and stability in the country are the key to development and prosperity and are already bearing fruit, the President said.

      As Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized, by implementing large-scale political transformations, we have set a new vector for the democratic development of the state. The constitutional reform allowed us to reformat the key institutions of power and thereby create a sustainable political system. The basis of this system is openness and fairness, efficiency and competitiveness, and, most importantly, the principle of serving the people, and not a narrow layer of people far from the interests of the country. According to him, thanks to these values, fundamental shifts have occurred in socio-political life.

– The results of the recent referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant were a clear indication of this. More than 70% of citizens voted for the construction of a nuclear power plant. This decision confirmed that in fateful situations our nation chooses progress. One of the key tenets of our state policy is “different opinions – one nation”. In general, the problem of growing energy deficit is extremely relevant for our country. If it is not solved in a timely manner, it will slow down the development of our economy and reduce the quality of life of citizens, – he said.

Separately, the speech mentioned the large-scale work carried out in accordance with the economic course of Fair Kazakhstan.

 – In essence, a new energy, transport and industrial framework of the country is being built. Five years ago, I ordered the construction of a bridge across the Bukhtarma Reservoir. For a long time, people were forced to overcome the water obstacle only by ferry or on ice in winter, which, naturally, was extremely inconvenient. Now this problem has been solved. The construction of the bridge is complete. Its official opening took place a few days ago. The bridge has become the longest in Kazakhstan, which will allow turning border areas into transit areas, providing a short transport corridor between China and Russia. In addition, this large-scale facility will provide transport connectivity for several areas of the East Kazakhstan region at once. Undoubtedly, good roads are the key to the well-being of the population. I attach extreme importance to this issue, – the Head of State emphasized.

   The President recalled that 12 thousand kilometers of highways are being built and repaired already this year. The focus of special attention is on improving the quality of roads in the regions. Thus, in Western Kazakhstan there are highways abandoned since Soviet times. The Kaztalovka – Zhanibek – Russian border highway will be put into operation this year. In addition, certain work is being carried out in the field of air traffic. New international terminals will soon open at the airports of Kyzylorda and Shymkent.

Then Kassym-Jomart Tokayev focused on comprehensive measures aimed at diversifying the economy. According to the results of 8 months of this year, exports of manufactured goods exceeded 17.8 billion dollars, and more than a third of this volume is high-value goods. Today, 17 breakthrough investment projects are being implemented in the country. The President also expressed his vision of the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

– This industry is extremely important in terms of ensuring food security. Kazakhstan will continue to strengthen its role in the global food market. Today, the harvesting campaign is over. I express my sincere gratitude to all farmers. Despite the spring floods, more than 26 million tons of grain were harvested, which was a record figure. Of course, the real assistance provided by the state contributed to achieving these results. This year, the volume of preferential loans for the spring sowing campaign has tripled. Additional funds were allocated for the leasing of agricultural machinery. In general, 865 projects worth 2.6 trillion tenge are planned to be implemented in the agricultural sector, – Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.

    As the Head of State noted, work on supporting entrepreneurship has been put on a new track. This is especially important, given that small and medium businesses provide jobs for almost half of the economically active population. He recalled that in order to further improve the business climate and investment attractiveness of the country, in May he signed a Decree on the liberalization of the economy.

  – Domestic entrepreneurs are actively involved in the implementation of important country projects: they build schools, hospitals and other social facilities, invest in the development of industry and infrastructure, and support charitable initiatives. This is a clear indicator of the creative partnership between the state and business, the maturity and social responsibility of our businessmen, – he said.

   As Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized, the direct task of the Government and akims is to provide comprehensive support to the business community, not to close themselves off from entrepreneurs, but to constructively interact with them. The President spoke about the priority areas of social policy.

  – This year, 115 new medical facilities have been built within the framework of the National Project “Modernization of Rural Healthcare”. Innovative treatment methods are being introduced in domestic medicine, and a comprehensive modernization of the oncology service has begun. A law on the legal and financial protection of medical workers has been adopted, aimed at increasing the prestige of the profession. As a result of these and other systemic measures, an improvement in the main medical and demographic indicators has been noted. For the first time since Independence, the average life expectancy has exceeded 75 years. The National Project “Comfortable School” is also being implemented, thanks to which about 500 thousand children will receive educational places, – noted Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

  According to the Head of State, countries with developed science and technology are world leaders, and we, in order not to remain on the sidelines of progress, must become a nation of technocrats.

  – This is the imperative of the times. 2025 has been declared the Year of Working Professions in Kazakhstan. We give priority to technical and vocational education. This year, the state order for such specialties has grown significantly, and the number of grants has increased by 10 thousand. 65% of the state order was allocated specifically for technical specialties. Branches of prestigious foreign higher education institutions are opening in our country. Other measures have been taken to improve the quality of education. The Law “On Science and Technology Policy” was recently adopted. I am confident that all these measures will contribute to increasing the country’s competitiveness, the President emphasized.

   Kassym-Jomart Tokayev also recalled that this year, on his initiative, the republican campaign “Taza Kazakhstan” was launched, which is designed to improve the environmental culture of society. The head of state separately focused on issues of foreign policy, which directly affects the domestic situation in the country and the well-being of citizens.

– Kazakhstan is pursuing a balanced, constructive foreign policy based on national interests. This year has been very eventful for us in terms of international events. Kazakhstan chaired several multilateral associations at once and organized a number of large-scale events. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit and the World Nomad Games deserve special mention. Our country is consistently strengthening its subjectivity on the world stage, making a significant contribution to achieving sustainable development goals and overcoming global challenges. The task of Kazakh diplomacy, based on the centuries-old traditions of the Great Steppe, is to make Kazakhstan’s voice on the world stage more significant. Our country has begun to be called a middle power abroad, but this is not a reason for complacency, but an incentive for further active work. You see that various conflicts are multiplying in the world, a new arms race is gaining momentum, trade wars are escalating. But the most dangerous thing is the militarization of consciousness, the growth of mistrust and rejection of each other’s positions, the narrowing of the field for dialogue and consensus. All these are signs of a radically changing world order. We are doing everything possible to remain a territory of stability and harmony in such realities, he said.
         The head of state pointed out that peace and progress begin with upbringing in the family, cleanliness on the streets, harmony in society. That is why in his speeches he constantly talks about the dictatorship of Law and Order.
 – This is our carefully thought-out fundamental principle, which must take root in the public consciousness. After all, as the famous saying goes, “law is the art of goodness and justice.” The law is needed to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, to ensure order in society. Of course, there will always be people dissatisfied with harsh, in their opinion, laws, and claiming that the screws are being “tightened.” But those who want to live in impunity and permissiveness, in fact, are against the interests of the people and the country. The state will continue to take measures to implement the principle of “zero tolerance” for offenses, will toughly combat hooliganism and organized crime, – said Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
      The President emphasized that only mutual support and solidarity, striving for high goals will increase the authority of our country and make our turquoise passport recognizable and authoritative.
– We must treat each other with respect, attention and care. We need to confront any difficulties and work together for the good of the Motherland. We must build a Fair Kazakhstan together, in which our citizens will live in peace and harmony, confidently looking to the future. People expect justice in all areas. To do this, everyone must start, first of all, with themselves. Then both society and the entire state system will be fair. On this main holiday for the country, we must also note the merits of the First President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. He played a decisive historical role in the formation of modern Kazakh statehood. His merits should not be forgotten. This is very important for our future. Kazakhs say: “Zhaqsynyn zhaksylygyn ait”. In order for today to be assessed fairly, the past must also be judged fairly,” the Head of State is convinced.
          In conclusion, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev once again emphasized that the achievements of Kazakhstan are the common success of the entire nation.
       Then he presented high awards and state prizes to a group of citizens whose merits were noted on the eve of Republic Day. During the ceremony, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Dzhumadildayev and Director of Shakhtyorskoye LLP of the Karaganda region Georgy Prokop, who were awarded the title of “Kazakhstannyn Enbek Yeri”, as well as laureate of the State Prize in Literature and Art named after Abai writer Kulbek Yergobek, “Kazakhstannyn Enbek Sinirgen Därëgeri” General Director of JSC “National Scientific Medical Center” Abai Baigenzhin and Kazakh language teacher of Haileybury Astana school Ozoda Mannopova, who was awarded the “Shapagat” medal, spoke.
          Today, the President also presented awards to civil servants and heads of national companies who have made a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the country.