President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in a narrow format
July 3, 2024

A solemn welcoming ceremony was held at the Akorda residence for the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, who arrived in Kazakhstan on a state visit.
Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev personally met the motorcade of the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China. In honor of the distinguished guest, fighter jets of the Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan flew in front of the presidential palace, leaving behind a red and yellow trail – the colors of the Chinese flag.

Then Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Xi Jinping introduced the members of the official delegations to each other. The head of the honor guard company gave a greeting report, and the national anthems of the two countries were played.

At the beginning of the negotiations in a narrow format, the Head of our state expressed gratitude to the Chairman of the PRC for accepting the invitation to visit Kazakhstan.

– I believe that your visit is of exceptional importance. The People’s Republic of China is a friendly neighboring state, an important strategic partner and one of our main allies. I note with satisfaction that Kazakh-Chinese relations, based on unbreakable friendship and mutual support, are developing at an unprecedented pace. I highly appreciate your significant contribution to strengthening the eternal comprehensive strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China. “I fully support your initiative to take cooperation between the two countries to a new level for the benefit of our peoples,” the President of Kazakhstan emphasized.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highly appreciated the state of Kazakh-Chinese cooperation, which is steadily developing in all areas.

– China is not just a good neighbor for us, but a close friend and a time-tested, reliable partner. Based on the unshakable values ​​of common history, good neighborliness and mutual support, we have built truly exemplary interstate relations, which are filled with new quality content from year to year,” he noted.

In turn, President Xi Jinping expressed gratitude to the Head of our state for the warm welcome on Kazakh land.

–Dear Mr. President, my dear friend! Thank you for your attention to my visit. Since taking office as Head of State, you have been vigorously and purposefully promoting reforms and development of the country. You have taken a whole package of effective measures in domestic and foreign policy. Thanks to this, the overall power and international authority of your country has significantly increased. As friendly neighbors, we sincerely rejoice at these achievements. Last year, we met twice (in Xi’an and Beijing), outlined new plans and determined the main directions for the dynamic development of Chinese-Kazakh relations during the “golden thirty years”. I would like to confirm that China always views relations with Kazakhstan from a strategic height and with a long-term perspective, considering Kazakhstan a priority of its foreign policy in relations with neighboring countries and an important partner in Central Asia. Our will and determination to ensure Chinese-Kazakh relations remain unshakable and are not subject to opportunistic influences. “I assure you that China will always be a reliable support for Kazakhstan,” said the Chinese leader.

Then the negotiations continued in an expanded format with the participation of members of official delegations.