On the resumption of international flights

On the resumption of international flights

In accordance with the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission on Preventing the Emergence and Spread of Coronavirus Infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 11, 2020, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the level of the epidemiological situation according to the map of the World Health Organization, international flights to the United Arab States are gradually resumed from August 17, 2020. Emirates, Republic of Belarus, Germany, Netherlands, Egypt, Ukraine, and the Russian Federation.
The Ministry, together with the aviation authorities of the above countries, has preliminary worked out the issue of resuming regular passenger flights. Thus, these countries support the resumption of flights with Kazakhstan in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements (thermometry, social distancing, mask mode, PCR testing).
At the same time, it should be noted that a permit from the Russian side is required to fly to Russia.
The number of flights on international routes will be operated on the basis of the current intergovernmental agreements on air services and depending on the commercial load of aircraft on each route.
Flights and ticket sales will be carried out in accordance with the schedule published on the airlines’ websites as restrictions on the movement of citizens across the state borders with the above countries are lifted and the epidemiological situation improves in conditions of increased sanitary safety measures established by Kazakhstan and the relevant countries.

Press service of MIID RK