As a result of the decision of the commission under the akimat of the city, 47 graduates from the number of orphans

As a result of the decision of the commission under the akimat of the city, 47 graduates from the number of orphans, pupils of the orphanage, invalids since childhood, children left without parental care, children from large families became the owners of the grants of the akim of Astana, the official site of the capital akimat informs.

Educational grants of akim are allocated for training in the most popular specialties. The priority is technical, pedagogical and medical directions. As a result of the decision of the commission under the akimat of the city of Astana, 47 graduates from the number of orphans, pupils of the orphanage, invalids since childhood, children left without parental care, children from large families, and general education schools became the owners of grants.

“For us, you are all winners. The fact that you have become grants, is already talking about your will and purpose, you took the first big step in achieving a dream. This is only the first victory, the rest, I’m sure, are waiting for you ahead. Be strong and active, leaders in life. Tomorrow you will not only be able to pave the way for the future yourself, but also help the country. Today you have an excellent opportunity to develop technology, science, and other areas. I wish you good luck in realizing your plans and ideas, “Asset Issekeshev said.

As a result, 17 people will be trained at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullin, 7 people at the Astana Medical University, 1 graduate at the University of Turan-Astana, 14 at the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, 4 graduates at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business and the Eurasian University humanitarian institute.

“I grew up in a large family. I entered the faculty of electric power engineering at the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. This specialty chose not accidentally, I want to make an opening in the “green” energy, find an alternative to coal. It’s nice that akim today pays attention to every student, we feel support, and this motivates, “said Amir Ermagambet, the owner of the Astana akim grant.

It should be noted that for the first time in the current academic year, new specialties appeared in higher educational institutions: the designer of 3D printing in construction, the developer and analyst of computer systems, the web designer and the landscape designer.

Social assistance to pay for the education of school leavers from among orphans, children from orphanages, children with disabilities, children left without parental care, children from large families in higher educational institutions of the city of Astana is provided by the akimat on an annual basis.

KZT 58.8 million is provided for these purposes this year. A total of 125 students are studying on general education grants of the akim for today.
Press service of the Mayor of Astana