Kazakhstan in the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum “Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development”

20 September 2018
Kazakhstan in the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum “Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development”
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The forum, organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, was attended by President Vladimir Putin, heads of international organizations, as well as over 500 representatives from 100 countries.

The Kazakh delegation included deputies of the Parliament, heads of state bodies, representatives of public organizations.

In her greeting, Gulshara Abdykalikova drew attention to the words of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, said in the Manifesto “Mir.XXI century”: “We must unite the efforts of governments, politicians, scientists, businessmen, artists and millions of people around the world to prevent the tragic mistakes of past centuries and  get rid the world of the threat of war forever. ”

The Secretary of State noted the need for women to participate fully in all spheres of economic life in order to build a stable and just society.

– Today our country pays special attention to ensuring security in Central Asia and Afghanistan. We participated in the resolution of conflicts in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, provided a platform for negotiation processes on Iran and Syria, – G. Abdykalikova stressed.

Within the framework of participation in the forum, the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulshara Abdykalikova held bilateral meetings with the Executive Director of UN-Women, UN Under-Secretary-General Fumzil Mlambo-Ngkuk and the Founding President of the G20 Women’s Group Gulden Turktan, socio-economic and cultural-humanitarian problems, as well as issues of further empowering women and strengthening their role in the formation of international and regional initiatives with a view to strengthening peace and security.