“The largest network of gas stations offers entrepreneurs a franchise. Market leaders are ready to train a businessman, supply high-quality fuel and work on the Qazaq Oil Partners cooperation project. More than 40 companies have already become partners of the Qazaq Oil network.”,- the PetroRetail Press service reports
The cooperation project is designed both for new gas station outlets and for existing players in the oil product market. Qazaq Oil is ready to share the standards and regulations of the filling station management. In addition, entrepreneurs will be provided with a ready-made package of documents and help in recruiting personnel. “The most important thing is that the partner receives a guaranteed volume of fuel. At the same time, for everyone who starts working with us, the issue of logistics, procurement, completely becomes secondary. After all, we take care of all this. What remains for the partner? He is left with the management of the gas station based on the standards and regulations that we prescribe to him. Accordingly, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the land plot and decide to be ready to finance this project “, – said General Director of PetroRetail LLP Tulemis Shotanov
The project can be implemented with both borrowed and own funds. In the first scenario, the company is ready to assist. In turn, Qazaq Oil requires partners to strictly adhere to the quality and level of customer service, which the market leader has been broadcasting for the second year.
“Naturally, we initially tell all our partners that we will have tough requirements, there will be a tough check. In particular, we are launching a mystery shopping program, we are looking at how it meets all the main parameters. One is to build a gas station and sign Qazaq Oil. Daily work is another matter. This, of course, is the quality of fuel, the quality of service, and the availability of all the goods that the client is used to receiving in our network, “said General Director of PetroRetail LLP Tulemis Shotanov The initiative also solves the issue of developing small and medium-sized business, he said. Each application of an entrepreneur will be checked by a special commission, and then an individual contract will be drawn up for each businessman. Those interested can contact the contact information on the company’s website ( and get additional advice.