Global Tax Reforms and Natural Resource Revenues in Africa

The African Development Bank (hereafter ‘AfDB’) Ten Year Strategy and the High 5s identify natural resources as a critical factor in the transition to green growth in Africa. In response to the challenges facing sustainable management of Africa’s natural resources, the AfDB created the African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) in 2013, housed in the Economic and Knowledge Management Complex (ECVP). The Centre provides advisory services and technical assistance to the Bank’s Regional Member Countries (RMCs) to harness their natural resources for sustainable development.

The scope combines renewable (water, forestry, land and fishery) and non-renewable (oil, gas and minerals) resources. The Centre’s Policy Analysis Division provides a systemic, integrated lens on the management of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources for sustainable development. This is achieved through high-quality research and policy analysis, policy advocacy and knowledge dissemination, and technical assistance and capacity building for the Bank’s RMCs in the following thematic areas: natural resource conservation, natural resource planning, natural resource economics, and natural resource governance.