Akmaral Bekmurzaeva: “It was the most negative manifestation of Western culture!”

Akmaral Bekmurzaeva: “It was the most negative manifestation of Western culture!”

The Western trend of radical feminism cannot get along with Kazakh national traditions and values. Therefore, our society is not ready for such changes dictated by Western radical movements.

March 8 in Almaty is contrary to our traditions and values. The event caused a storm of indignation and questions from many Kazakhstanis.

“It was the most negative manifestation of Western culture! The problem of the female sex in our society can hardly be called acute. Yes, there are facts of domestic violence! Yes, in some cases there may be gender discrimination! But, in general, the rights and freedoms of women today are not limited. The fair sex is represented in all social spheres of the economy, politics, culture and sports. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan grants equal rights to all citizens regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, ”said the representative of the“ ADAL ”party Akmaral Bekmurzaeva.

In addition, she noted that at present, the ADAL party continues to work to improve the skills of rural women and increase their income, as it was presented in the party’s electoral program.