The film “Shyraқshy / Keeper” became the nominee for the Nika Prize The film directed by Ermek Tursunov “Shyraқshy / Keeper” became one of the nominees for the 2020 Nika Prize. The K...
“A Girl and the sea” in Kazakhstan box office The film “A Girl and the Sea” directed by Aziz Zairov and Muhamed Mamyrbekov was released in Kazakhstan. The film is screened in the cinem...
Why is the Rockefeller family still fabulously rich? As you know, wealth rarely lasts much further than grandchildren. Taxes, expenses, dilution of the well-being of children and their children and th...
The film “On the Edge” won a prize at a film festival in Greece The film “On the Edge” directed by Aldiyar Bayrakimov won the prize from the Greek Film Critics Association at t...