Participation in the ceremony of accepting credentials

October 8, 2018
Participation in the ceremony of accepting credentials 

During the ceremony, the Head of State was presented by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Xiao, the Kingdom of Spain David Arturo Carriedo Thomas, the State of Israel Liat Vekselman, the Slovak Republic Milan Kollar and the European Union Sven-Olov Karlsson.
Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulated all ambassadors on the start of their diplomatic activities in Kazakhstan and wished them success in developing and further strengthening interstate relations.

– Your mission begins during the period of important events in our country. Our strategic direction is the entry into the top 30 developed countries of the world. In this regard, we have adopted all the necessary programs and embarked on the implementation of comprehensive reforms, the Head of State said.

The President of Kazakhstan stressed the importance of establishing trusting interstate relations in the context of increasing global crisis.

– Recently, during the next meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York, there was a noticeable increase in the “crisis of confidence” between certain states. Without trust, no measure aimed at overcoming the crisis will have a positive result, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The head of state noted the effectiveness of the ongoing multi-vector foreign policy and the efforts of Kazakhstan to resolve international and regional conflicts.

Nursultan Nazarbayev separately focused on the current state and prospects for the development of relations between Kazakhstan and the People’s Republic of China.

– Kazakhstan pays special attention to the development of versatile strategic cooperation with China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, we have formed an exemplary model of interstate relations, which are developing in the spirit of good-neighborliness and mutual understanding. Today, the governments of the two countries are actively working to implement the mutual agreements reached. Special attention is paid to the conjugation of the Nurly Zhol program of economic policy and the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative, said the Head of State.

The President of Kazakhstan also stressed that  the 25 years since the establishment of our country’s diplomatic relations with the European Union is marked this year  .

– Today, our main task is the implementation of the Agreement on Extended Partnership and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union, signed in 2015. In addition, it is necessary to concentrate joint efforts in preparing a new strategy for Brussels in relation to the countries of Central Asia. We also believe that the right decision will be found on the issue of simplifying the visa regime between Kazakhstan and the European Union, the Head of State noted.

Speaking to the ceremony participants, Nursultan Nazarbayev pointed to the strategic nature of relations between Kazakhstan and the Kingdom of Spain.

– In June 2017, His Majesty the King of Spain Felipe VI made an official visit to Kazakhstan for the first time and took part in the opening ceremony of the international exhibition EXPO 2017. In addition, the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Industrial Cooperation and the Business Council are making a significant contribution to the implementation of our agreements, the President of Kazakhstan said.

The head of state also expressed interest in further developing relations between Kazakhstan and Israel in various sectors of the economy.

– A significant impulse to our cooperation was given by the official visit of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu to Kazakhstan in 2016 and the business forum held within its framework. We are interested in the further development of our relations, in particular, in agriculture, in the field of innovative technologies and health care, ”Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

Noting the positive dynamics of cooperation with Slovakia, the President of Kazakhstan stressed the importance of increasing trade and developing new areas of economic cooperation between the two countries.

– The Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation makes an active contribution to the strengthening of trade and economic relations. In the future, we need to increase trade and identify new areas for the development of economic relations, the Head of State emphasized.

At the end of the ceremony, Nursultan Nazarbayev once again congratulated the diplomats on the start of their responsible mission in Kazakhstan.