Kazakhstan will conduct a reconciliation of citizens’ databases to update statuses in the compulsory health insurance

Kazakhstan will conduct a reconciliation of citizens’ databases to update statuses in the compulsory health insurance

The problems of correctly displaying the insured and uninsured population were discussed by representatives of state bodies at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the implementation of compulsory health insurance.

Today, there is a problem of identifying the period in the compulsory health insurance system for foreigners before they receive a document on a residence permit (hereinafter – residence permit). The fact is that foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside (received a residence permit) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, if there are payments from the moment of obtaining a residence permit, the insurance status is not assigned automatically, since there is no integration with the information system of the Committee of the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (that is, no binding to the date of receipt by the person of the residence permit). Because of this, arrears are formed in the system for the periods in which these persons were foreigners without a residence permit, and, accordingly, they were not required to pay contributions to the compulsory health insurance (except for labor migrants and their family members who are citizens of the EAEU member states).

In this regard, the Fund, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was instructed to carry out work on the integration of the Fund’s IS with the IS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the KMS of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to link it to the date of obtaining a residence permit. In addition, in the IS “Saqtandyrý” of the Fund, the number of the uninsured population is formed incorrectly and reaches 4.2 million people, since there is no mechanism for updating the information of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have left for permanent residence in other countries, deceased listed in the “State Database” Individuals “of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as GBDFL). In this regard, the Ministry of Health, together with the Republican Center for Electronic Health and the Ministry of Justice, was instructed to ensure the reconciliation and updating of statuses in the information systems “Register of attached population” and “State database” Individuals “with further development of a mechanism for automating the process with the establishment of a filter for dead persons and persons who have left for permanent residence.