Awards presented posthumously

Awards presented posthumously

Today Amandyk Batalov, akim of the Almaty region presented state awards to the families of the excellent health worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Baimukhambetov, the chief state sanitary doctor of the region and Begalidin Alashbaev, the head of the “Department of medical service” of military unit No. 28237  the press service of the akim of Almaty region reports.

Speaking with a memorable speech, Amandyk Batalov noted:
– By the decree of the President of the country, our fellow countrymen were awarded posthumously state awards. Completely devoted to their professional oath, they gave their lives in an effort to preserve the health of the population and improve the epidemiological situation. They were young, full of energy, but a dangerous infection took their lives. In the memory of each of us, they will remain professionals in their field, responsible, wonderful people. Let the land under them rest in peace … ”, A. Batalov said, proceeding to the presentation of awards.
“Barys” II degree Order, which was posthumously awarded to Kairat Baymukhambetov, the chief state sanitary doctor of the region, was transferred to his wife Gulzhan Kamelkanova, the order “Urmet” – to Damira Nuritdinkyzy, the wife of Begalidin Alashbaev, the head of the “Department of medical service” of military unit No. 28237  .

Taking a speech, the widows of the deceased, thanked for the support provided and, turning to their fellow countrymen, emphasized that everyone should take their health seriously, take care of their relatives and friends.
– My husband Kairat Kazhimanovich has worked for about 30 years in the sanitary and epidemiological field. He dedicated his life to this work and continued to work responsibly during the pandemic. Now he is not with us … It warms my heart that the civic and professional duty he courageously fulfilled did not go unnoticed. It is important for us to be remembered. Take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. Be as vigilant as possible. Observe all safety measures, – said Gulzhan Kamelkanova.
Damira Nuritdinkyzy also made a memorable speech: “My husband’s dream of being a military doctor has come true. In spite of everything, he sincerely loved his profession. I wish all our fellow countrymen, fellow citizens good health, take care of each other, – she said, thanking the President of the country and the regional leadership for their support and attention.