135 compatriots delivered via Taldykorgan airport to their homeland return home

135 compatriots delivered via Taldykorgan airport to their homeland are returning home

135 compatriots who were delivered from the UAE through Taldykorgan airport and isolated in specially designated places in the cities of Taldykorgan and Tekeli, today began to return to settlements at their place of residence, the press service of the akim of Almaty region reports.
Before arriving in our country, all citizens were quarantined in the UAE for several days, and upon arrival, we took samples for the presence of coronavirus infection. The results were negative.
Now, on behalf of the akim of Almaty region, work is underway on the free transportation of all these citizens to their place of residence. In particular, out of 135 delivered to Taldykorgan and Tekeli, 10 residents each from Kostanay and Pavlodar, 9 – Almaty, 8 – East Kazakhstan, 6 – Aktobe, 5 – Akmola, 4 – Zhambyl, 2 each – West Kazakhstan, Mangistau , Kyzylorda, 1 in Karaganda and Turkestan regions, as well as from the cities of Almaty – 31, Nur-Sultan – 27, Shymkent – 16, Baikonur – 1.
Information on arriving citizens was provided in advance to the operational headquarters of the respective regions and cities, and appropriate measures were taken. Today, all 135 citizens on special vehicles sent to the place of residence.

Press service of akim of Almaty region